Inspiring Love & Creativity within.

Using Sound Frequencies to enhance your unique healing & personal growth.

“Bathe” in the soothing sounds and vibrations with Sound & Intention.

Like most alternative healing modalities and meditative practices, everyone’s experience differs, and new things may arise in each session. Most people feel relaxed and peaceful during sound healing; some might have visualizations, receive creative downloads, or have an emotional breakthrough.

Healing Starts With You.

What is Sound Therapy?

Sound Therapy, Sound healing…. uses sound, music and specialised instruments played in therapeutic way, to heal the body, mind, spirit, soul & heart combined with deep self-reflection techniques to improve health and wellbeing.

Sound Therapy is a holistic practice that allows you to sink into a deep state of meditation using therapeutic-grade instruments to create calming soundscapes. While sound is revolutionary, it’s nothing new. Most ancient cultures used some form of sound therapy, from the singing bowls of Tibet, Nepal, and India to the drums and chanting of ancient Greece and Egypt. Sound therapy has been traced back more than 40,000 years to the use of didgeridoos by indigenous Australians.

Sound Therapy influences changes in our brainwaves. The parasympathetic nervous system, which is the opposite of the stress flight or fight response, is stimulated. Allowing our heart, breathing, and brainwaves to slow down to nearly trance-like levels. We are able to totally relax, we communicate to our bodies that we're completely safe. This aids in mental organization, which explains why clarity frequently follows after only one session, sound therapy helps us feel less stressed, more rested, and less nervous. Over time, it can strengthen your resilience, enhance our sleep, increase our clarity, and assist you in overcoming trauma from the past or present.

Are you hoping to engage in Sound Therapy on a deeper level?

Are you seeking ways to bring Sound Therapy into your everyday life?

Are you willing to experience Sound Therapy with an open mind, enjoy and surrender to the sounds without judgement or worry?

Remembering that the best thing about Sound Therapy is that it meets you exactly where you are!!

In Love……


  • 1 : 1 Offering

    Are you ready to dive deeply with who you are and what you want, discovering your worth along the way?

    Choose from any of these 1 : 1 sessions

    Sound Healing

    Honouring Your Reset

    Breath & Sound

    Owner & Pet healings

    Intimate Drum Weaving

  • Private Offerings

    Prefer to experience any pf my offerings privately?

    Put together your very own private session or event? Tailor to your needs from any of my offerings for a private or group event?.

    Let‘s get together & have a chat about your ideas. Lets make your magic happen together!

    Run privately for you either at my healing studio, your home, or somewhere else that resonates deeply with you. I’ve held private sessions for hen’s parties, couples celebrating their anniversary, organisations creating mindfulness, women’s circles, large families or simply women who just want to share the experience with their beautiful friends.

  • Group Offering

    Change often starts when a friend asks if we’d like to go along to an event or we discover something we’d like to go to & drag our friends along!

    All of my group offerings can be tailored to your induvial needs or simple receive

    Group Sound Immersions

    Elements of Sound (IAM Healing Gifts)

    Animal Dreaming & Sound Healing

    Rattle Workshops

    Rattle Drum Beater workshops

    Earth Rising Sacred Drums Circles

    Kids for Life meditation and sound

    Drum Weaving with Friends

    Group Drum Weaving